Discussion of Critical Success Factors in Colleges and Universities Participating in Poverty Alleviation Tourism Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process
Hao LI, An-Min HUANG
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 324-336
How to cite this article:Li, H., Huang, A.M. (2020). Discussion of Critical Success Factors in Colleges and Universities Participating in Poverty Alleviation Tourism Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 69, 324-336. DOI: 10.33788/rcis.69.21 |
Domestic socio-economic development has acquired great achievement, while poverty is still a major problem in restraining the development of domestic rural areas. The past developmental poverty alleviation could not satisfy the requirement for poverty reduction to comprehensively build the well-off society. Although distinct models of poverty alleviation through tourism for impoverished villages were proposed from the aspects of the government, enterprises, and communities, most of them, from macro perspectives, stressed on the development of tourism in impoverished villages, while specific research on who to help the development of poverty alleviation through tourism in pilot villages and how to integrate resources to implement the effective support of impoverished villages was little. For this reason, critical success factors in colleges and universities participating in poverty alleviation tourism are analyzed in this study. Aiming at visitors to Nianshan Village, Fujian Province, 300 copies of questionnaire are distributed for this study. Total 214 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 71%. The research result reveals that “government department” is the most emphasized dimension in hierarchy, followed by “social enterprise”, “college and university organization”, and “villages with poverty alleviation through tourism” and top five most emphasized indicators, among 17 evaluation indicators, are policy support, funding support, system design, practice base, and top management support. Finally, suggestions are proposed according to the results, expecting to help the overall development of domestic poverty alleviation tourism and promote the development of both students and impoverished villages.
poverty alleviation model, social security, social enterprise, tourism, critical factor, community participation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.69.21
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