Parentalite et dignite sociale en situation de precarite et de controle judiciaire [Parenthood and social dignity when in precarious and judicial control]
Catherine SELLENET
Lumen, 2008
Cod CED: 1584-5397-23-1
Dimensiuni pp. 7-22
How to cite this article:Sellenet, C. (2008). Parentalite et dignite sociale en situation de precarite et de controle judiciaire. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 23, 7-22. |
Some parents suffer from a combination of difficulties. They are both precarious, or even excluded from the work sphere, and vulnerable within the family sphere and child welfare measures show it. Yet, work and family spheres are supposed to frame any normally integrated individual. Without these two foundations, the risk of no longer belonging increases. To counter the risk of breakdown of social cohesion numerous interventions now put the emphasis on supporting parents, enhacing parental skills, looking for a more balanced and respectful partnership regarding parents role. They must, as the expression goes, be ackowledged to retain their social dignity. But, what is beyond the phrase being ackowledged Which forms does it take within parenthood register in the eyes of the professionals? And, what do parents say about this strange experience which summons them to be helped, whether they like it or not, bring up and educate their children?
Parenting, social dignity, stigmatisation, social care of childhood
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