Definirea serviciilor si selectarea metodelor de interventie sociala pentru copilul aflat in dificultate in unitatile sanitare. [Defining the services and selecting the methods of intervention for children in difficulty abandoned in medical units]
Anca Clivet
Lumen, 2008
Cod CED: 1584-5397-23-6
Dimensiuni pp. 83-100
How to cite this article:Clivet, A. (2008). Defining the services and selecting the methods of intervention for children in difficulty abandoned in medical units. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 23, 83-100. |
The dynamics of the social work departments, among the pediatric hospitals, have shown by their evolution and development, the importance of the holistic perspective and of the systemic theory that can satisfy different needs of every child in difficulty. In this context the relationship between the social worker and his client can not be accomplished without contextualization and without adapting the service to the hospitalized children, which are considered to be the main beneficiaries. Most of the time, these children can not participate to the dialogue that defines their services, because of their development limits, and during this process it is a challenge to transform them into clients and difficult to avoid the bad consequences for the child and his family. Many ethical dilemmas derive from this perspective regarding the decisions we take in the name of the children but also the importance of defining the social service and combining the optimal social methods for the hospitalized child from the first day that assures the safety, the stability and the harmony of the family environment (the place where the child will be discharged, after his medical recovery).
Social health, children in need, holistic perspective, ethical dilemmas
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