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L'observation au service de l'evaluation de la parentalite [Observation in parenting assessment tool]

L'observation au service de l'evaluation de la parentalite [Observation in parenting assessment tool]


Catherine Sellenet


Lumen, 2009

Dimensiuni:pp. 111-126

How to cite this article:

Sellenet, C . (2009). L'observation au service de l'evaluation de la parentalite. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 24, 111-126.


In child protection, the assessment of inadequacies, deprivation and parental skills are central issues. Among the tools at the disposal of professionals, observation plays a significative part. However, it is not much theorized, as though it was taken for granted or everyone knew how to use the power of observation to spot, evaluate, understand, and appreciate. On the contrary, this article shows the complexity of this rather out of the ordinary intervention, which consists in watching how members of the same family interact, and in penetrating privacy.


Observation; assessment; privacy, parenthood;

Download: L'observation au service de l'evaluation de la parentalite [Observation in parenting assessment tool]