“The Human” between the “life-world” and its theoretical (re)construction
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 95-105
How to cite this article:Tohaneanu, C. (2010). “The Human” between the “life-world” and its theoretical (re)construction. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 31, 95-105. |
The traditional split between rationality and historicity, concept and intuition,
the form and content of knowledge has brought about an inappropriate approaching
to humanities and social sciences. Presenting the main effects of such split,
this paper aims at arguing the need to consider both the “empiric” and the
“interpretive” as equally relevant for understanding our human world. It is eventually
a meta-theoretical pleading for reconciling epistemology and ontology
within a theory of humanities and social sciences able to avoid the two kinds of
reductionism, foundationalist and textualist, related to traditional (empiricist)
epistemology and respectively, to postmodernist hermeneutics.
humanities/social sciences; explanation; scientific; interpretive; rationality; plurality
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