Difficulties and opportunities of the spiritual dimension in globalisation
Lavinia Elisabeta POPP
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 197-223
How to cite this article:Popp, L.E. (2012). Difficulties and opportunities of the spiritual dimension in globalisation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 36, 197-223. |
Although globalisation is a multidimensional concept, including complex processes in progress, and gives birth to both optimistic and pessimistic interpretations, it nevertheless represents a process of differentiated socio-economic development, possible to achieve on the economic, technologic political, social levels, but no on the cultural one. In the context of intensifying international relations, beliefs and cultural traits (each people’s identity) cannot uniformise on the planetary level. Despite the progress and uncontested development, the costs and losses generated by globalisation are very large, and the world politics is drastically marked by the thematic of religiousness. As the risk is inherent to the globalisation process, it becomes universal, affecting each individual, irrespective
of location and social class. The risk multiplication triggers the apparition of “risk society” characterised by a multiplication and diversification of needs that may have a universal dimension and a spiritual one especially. The way in which globalisation takes place in religion shows the acute need for dialogue among the Churches, for a consolidation of ecumenism or of an Orthodox ecclesiastic universality, in front of the contemporary religious globalisation.
spiritual dimension; globalisation; social process; socio-cultural development; ecumenism.
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