The Socio-Communicational Style and the Need for Supervision of Professionals from the Social Services
Patricia-Luciana RUNCAN, Cosmin GOIAN, Laurentiu TÎRU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 180-195
How to cite this article:Runcan, P.L., Goian, C., Tiru, L. (2012). The Socio-Communicational Style and the Need for Supervision of Professionals from the Social Services. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 37, 180-195. |
The present paper aims to make an analysis of the way supervision is perceived in the Romanian professional community working with people in difficulty. Defining supervision includes four dimensions: a professional view, in which supervision is seen as a part of the integration process and professional development; a social support dimension; a third emphasizes learning, supervision
as education, teaching; and the last dimension is that of control. In this study we performed a research on professionals involved in supervision: psychologists and social workers. Our findings show that education is the best accepted way of seeing supervision, while that of control is the most rejected one. A huge majority 94.5% of the investigated professionals appreciate the role of supervision. Approximately 50% of the subjects see the supervisor as educator. Professional development and professional learning are seen as the advantages of supervision.
supervision; professional development; education; professional burnout; social work.
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