Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 22/2008/Septembrie

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# Article Title Hits
1 Maintenir les liens parents-enfants en protection de l'enfance Maintaining the relationships between parents and children in child protection system. The right use of accompanied visits] (1) 11722
2 Copii in dificultate. studiu comparativ Iasi - Chisinau [Children in dificulty. Comparative study Iasi-Chisinau] (2) 13313
3 Drepturile, protectia si asistenta victimelor traficului de persoane in cursul procesului penal - perspective juridice si psihosociale [Rights, protection and assistance of human trafficking victims, Legal and psychosocial perspectives] (3) 11729
4 Asistarea tinerilor care urmeaza sa paraseasca sistemul de protectie a copilului. Situatia actuala si deziderate pentru viitor [Assisting the young people that will leave the child protection system. The actual situation and goal for future] (4) 11331
5 L'evolution des conceptions de la petite enfance (1945-2000) [Evolution of infant conception(1945-2000] (5) 12276
6 Anonimat, confidentialitate, negare - dileme profesionale in tratamentul dependentei de alcool [Anonimity, confidentiality, denial - profesional dilemmas in addiction to alchool treatment] (6) 12010
7 Etica asistentului social in relatia cu varstnicii aflati in dificultate [The ethics of the relationship between social worker and the aged persons in difficulty] (7) 12314
8 Aspecte ale asistentei si protectiei victimelor traficului de persoane in sistemul din romania [Assistance and protection for victims of human trafficking in Romania] (8) 12101