Copii in dificultate. studiu comparativ Iasi - Chisinau [Children in dificulty. Comparative study Iasi-Chisinau]
Dumitru STAN
Mihaela PITEA
Lumen, 2008
Cod CED: 1584-5397-22-2
Dimensiuni pp. 27-44
How to cite this article:Irimescu, G., Stan, D., Cojocaru, M., Pitea, M. (2008). Children in dificulty. Comparative study Iasi-Chisinau. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 22, 27-44. |
The research of the problems of children who are in difficulty and the finding of the best remedies to the identified critical issues are the main concerns for the care systems throughout the world. In Romania, as well as in the Republic of Moldova, such concerns are not recent. However, particularly in the recent years, these two countries have made considerable efforts trying to resolve the problems found. Depth reactions to counter vulnerabilities faced by individuals who are at the age of childhood may be expressed by many indicators: starting from statistics regarding the number of institutions of child welfare, the number of beneficiaries of child care services, the variety of measures to protect social child etc. and finishing with the number of research focused on the "child in difficulty" or to establish the accuracy of the concept "child in difficulty." Such indicators have been in our attention, and some of them will be shown as follows.
Children in dificulty, abandonment, protection services, social services.
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