The Role of Social Media as a Negotiation Sphere for ‘Public Good’: The Case North Cyprus
Eda Hancer AKKOR
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 86-103
How to cite this article:Akkor, E.H. (2017). The Role of Social Media as a Negotiation Sphere for ‘Public Good’: The Case North Cyprus. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 59, 86-103. |
This study stems from accepting the idea that through new media technologies,
a public sphere can be created where issues and policies regarding the future of a
society and public good can be discussed. Within the framework of this research,
the potential for social media to create more democratic and collective communication
and to mould public opinion in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is
also questioned. For this purpose, in the context of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus, three popular politicians’ official Facebook pages were chosen
for data collection and analysis. Their activities on their official Facebook pages
and public comments on their posts taken from a four month period were studied
by using the Critical Discourse Analysis model. Consequently, it reflects that the
political actors do not reply to the comments of citizens from their official
Facebook pages, yet they share their opinions through replying the private or
direct messages of citizens. This indicates a fast and dual communication between
the political actors and voters via social media. Additionally, citizens assert
whether they agree or disagree with the posts on such official Facebook pages,
and a discussion environment is established through expressing different opinions
among the citizens. Hence, ‘public good’ can be negotiated through social media
and that can contribute on the formation of a public sphere.
democracy, political participation, public sphere, social media, North Cyprus.
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The Case North Cyprus
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