Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Importanta redistribuirii rolurilor in familiile de migranti (9)

Importanta redistribuirii rolurilor in familiile de migranti


Adrian Lupu


Lumen, 2006

Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(09)
Dimensiuni pp.106-112, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006


Many Academe have issued general assessments about the Romanian society regarding international migration, which we positively acknowledge and consider to have a high degree of comprehension. Thus, our article may be useless or redundant. Mainly from political reasons we highlight the positive effects of the phenomenon. The negative effects are of importance especially at the structural institutions level that ensure a normal functioning of society. The article calls for the problematization on the possibilities for the (re)- construction of the family system in the new context.