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Youth, Protection and Education Today: Perceived Vulnerabilities, Statistical Issues, Perspectives

Youth, Protection and Education Today: Perceived Vulnerabilities, Statistical Issues, Perspectives


Gheorghita NISTOR, Roxana UREA, Ioan NEACSU

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 44-66

How to cite this article:

Nistor, G., Urea, R., Neacsu, I. (2014). Youth, Protection and Education Today: Perceived Vulnerabilities, Statistical Issues, Perspectives. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 44, 44-66.


The Romanian reality shows a specific dynamic regarding the young generation’s vulnerabilities and their implications, and many experts have carried out differential studies in this area. Based on these researches and on the theoretical framework of social policies, we did a research study aiming to reveal the young generation’s social perception regarding social policies and the level of personal implication in dealing with the young generation’s problems. We also had in mind some specific operational objectives and a certain assumption when we selected the subjects for our research (460 subjects, 350 teenage pupils in 6 high schools of Bucharest and 110 students of the Bucharest University). We used the following investigation methods: The IN-GN ‘2011 Questionnaire, Focus Group-3 and the SWOT analysis, the Internal Factor Assessment Matrix, the External Factor Assessment Matrix, the competitive profile Matrix, Document analyses/social reports from different agencies and authorities. The results reveal a complex panel of social perceptions of the young generation regarding the social policy and its involvement in solving out the problems they are facing.


social policies; poverty; social involvement; social project; social perception; motivation.

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