The Social Role of the Supreme Audit Institutions to Reduce Corruption in the European Union - Empirical Study
Ioan Gheorghe TARA, Dana Simona GHERAI, Laurentiu DROJ,
Diana Elisabeta MATICA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 217-240
How to cite this article:Tara, I.G., Gherai, D.S., Droj, L., Matica, D.E. (2016). The Social Role of the Supreme Audit Institutions to Reduce Corruption in the European Union - Empirical Study. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 52, 217-240. |
Corruption is a phenomenon of which appears in all forms of government.
Moreover, one can easily say that it occurs in all spheres of society. According to
the Global Corruption Barometer from 2013 (a survey in 107 countries to determine
how widespread is corruption) one in two persons believes that, in terms
of corruption, in the last two years the situation has worsened. But what interests
us particularly is that corruption in government’s activity leads to: loss of resources,
the economic downturn, low quality of life, undermining of the government’s
credibility and the reduction of its effectiveness. Therefore, taking
into account all these aspects, we consider it appropriate for our scientific approach
to identify the position that the Supreme Audit Institutions have as far as
corruption is concerned. The main objective of our study is to identify the role of
the Supreme Audit Institutions in fighting corruption, because the issue of corruption
has social features, it is not new and also controversial and up-to-date,
thanks to major implications involved. We found that if the Supreme Audit
Institution is organized as a Court, the country is more likely to have higher levels
of corruption than if opposite.
Supreme Audit Institutions, credibility, development, social feature, corruption, accountability.
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