Groups and Needs: Response of the Social Protection System in Nowadays Romania
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 139-157
How to cite this article:Preotesi, M. (2016). Groups and Needs: Response of the Social Protection System in Nowadays Romania. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 55, 139-157. |
The poverty percentage in today’s Romania is large related to the EU context
and compared to other former communist countries. Large differences can be
observed in the cases of certain groups which are vulnerable to poverty and social
exclusion. For these groups, the most important thing is the intervention of
supportive social policies. Besides the higher incidence of poverty and vulnerability,
the efficiency of the social transfers in reduction of the poverty (other
than pensions) is three times lower in Romania compared to the European average.
One of the explanations proposed in this paper refers to the philosophy of the
social protection system focused mainly on categorical benefits offered to some
large categories presumed to have certain pre-defined vulnerabilities. The rate of
the benefits based on testing means is low and the rate of the benefits for supporting
those in need of urgent intervention is extremely low. On the other hand, the
rate of financial benefits is significantly higher comparing to social services (only
0.7% of GDP, four times lower than the European average). Wasting already
insufficient resources by over-addressing certain categories affects those who
need the most the support of the social protection system and perpetuates the lack
of efficiency of this system in reducing poverty. The over-protection generates in
certain cases major social inequities. The analysis starting from the profile of the
vulnerable ones will oversee the efficiency and the adequacy/inadequacy of some
social protection measures, related to the nature and severity of the identified
poverty, vulnerable groups, social benefits, benefits based on testing means, absolute poverty, relative poverty.
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