Transformational Leadership and Performance in the Romanian Public Administration
Dumitru OPREA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 112-126
How to cite this article:Oprea, D. (2016). Big Questions on Big Data. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 55, 112-126. |
The present paper aims to explore the Big Data concept in order to answer the
question whether this is a necessity or a hidden agenda to promote disrupting new
technologies. It was ascertained that, unlike the traditional data, the new data
deluge would have special characteristics; therefore they would be completely
new. The performance of the current technologies could be enhanced by using the
concepts of bionic data and abionic data. And this way, many of the abionic data
would become bionic data, through the use of IoT, Big Data Analytics and Big
Data Technologies. The analysis of Big Data definitions delivers three types of
statements: the new avalanche of data has become uncontrollable; the current
technologies, including the software for relational databases management, are
unable to cope with the new requirements; new technologies are required to
access and process the new types of semi-structured and unstructured data. In our
opinion, the characteristics of traditional data cover also those of the Big Data.
The characteristics described by words beginning with the letter V do not refer to
data, but to Big Data Analytics and Big Data Technologies. Both are extensions of
previous data analysis and existing technologies. Therefore, the concept of Big
Data promotes the disruption process, embodied in new types of data, analysis
models and technologies. The major changes in our society in the last decades are
so dramatic that the previous global, national or organizational information systems
are easily categorized as traditional systems. Are they becoming the target of
the disruption phenomenon due to new technologies?.
Big Data, disruption process, bionic data, abionic data, V’s Big Data characteristics.
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