Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 57/2017/Iunie


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Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 The Mechanisms of Protection Factors in Operation in the Case of Teenagers Living in Romanian Placement Centres 10655
2 Predicting Suicide Risk among Male Offenders: The Role of Severe Personality Disorders 10682
3 Motivational Sources of Teachers in a Developing Country 10496
4 Paralytic Lumbar Disc Herniation. A Four Years Social and Economic Impact Study for North-East Region of Romania 10106
5 Early Repair Benefits In Cognitive Development of Patients With Tetralogy of Fallot 10757
6 Mixed Care for Elderly People in Spain and France: A Comparative Analysis 10542
7 The Influence of Apilarnil Treatment on Some Aspects of Getting a Job and Social Networking in Young Adults 10452
8 Correlations between Diabetic Nephropathy and Life Quality in a Study Group of Type 2 Hospitalized Diabetic Patients 10490
9 The Crisis Impact on the Romanian Health System and Population Health 11002
10 Medical Confidentiality in the Relationship Medical Team - Patient with Mental Disorders and Its Impact at Social Level 10931
11 Structural Stigma, Affiliated Stigma and Consequences of Caregiving for the Family Members of Inpatients with Dementia: A Comparative Approach 10160
12 Exploring the Influence of Customer Participation on Employee Service Innovation Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Customer Psychological Empowerment and the Moderating Effect of Organizational Innovation Climate 9750
13 Corporate Governance: A Comparative Study of Firms in Northern Cyprus and Turkey 11201
14 The Extreme-capitalist Face of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Stakeholder Theory 11249
15 Investigating the Effects of Price Refund Policy on Product Perception and Repurchase Intention of International Hotel Industry with Positive Theory 9767
16 Moral Fundamentals of Human Life Protection and the Population’s Right of Health 10249