Interaction between the Knowledge Sharing on Innovation Behavior Based on the Viewpoint of Team Diversity: Empirical Research from China
Meng-Hsiu LEE, Ming-Yu YEN, Louis PERROMAT
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 97-107
How to cite this article:Lee, M.H., Yen, M.Y., Perromat, L. (2019). Interaction between the Knowledge Sharing on Innovation Behavior Based on the Viewpoint of Team Diversity: Empirical Research from China. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 64, 97-107. DOI: |
In the rapidly changing and challenging environment, the possession of continuous innovation ability is primary for organizations in high-tech industry, which have to constantly apply innovation to maintain and enhance the effectiveness, create corporate value, and pursue organizational excellence so as to promote the competitive advantage for enterprise growth and survival. For organizations toady, work teams are the basic units to complete tasks. A lot of management activities are mostly preceded with teams, relying on the mutual cooperation among members. Besides, team interaction and communication could effectively enhance team performance and organizational performance. Aiming at supervisors and employees of high-tech industry in Fujian Province, total 520 copies of questionnaire are distributed, and 351 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 68%. The research results show that diversity presents positive and significant effects on knowledge sharing, 2.knowledge sharing shows positive and remarkable effects on innovation behavior, and diversity reveals positive effects on innovation behavior. According to the results, suggestions are proposed, expecting to stimulate team innovation behaviors for high-tech industry applying different value, experience, and professional knowledge of team members.
high-tech industry, team diversity, knowledge sharing, innovation behavior, innovation.
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