The Strength of Motivation of Medical Students in Romania in the Context of Migration Opportunities
Lavinia Corina DUICA, Andreea SZALONTAY, Elisabeta ANTONESCU, Ionut NISTOR, Alexandra POP, Maria TOTAN, Sinziana Calina SILISTEANU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 95-113
How to cite this article:Duica, L.C., Szalontay, A., Antonescu, E., Nistor, I., Pop, A., Totan, M., Silisteanu, S.C. (2021). The Strength of Motivation of Medical Students in Romania in the Context of Migration Opportunities. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 73, 95-113, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.73.7 |
In this study we aim to study in what way the Strength of motivation of the Romanian medical students has been influenced by harsh economic conditions that led to a massive migration. We conducted a cross-sectional study on a sample size of N=1516. We applied The Strength of Motivation for Medical School-Revised (SMMS) questionnaire and a questionnaire that examines the opinion of the students about migration. The mean value of motivation was 48 (maximum score is 75), 85% of the students have the intention to migrate. The determining factor of studying medicine abroad that correlates significantly with the Strength of motivation is represented by the better work conditions. Students studying in the South of the country want to practice primary in France, students in the North West and in the Center choose to practice medicine in Germany, and students from the East would like to go to Great Britain. The students with a high Strength of motivation are driven by the desire of the students to practice medicine abroad. Higher salaries don’t represent the principal factor for leaving the country. The percent of 85% of the students aiming to practice medicine abroad, represent a concerning result for all of us because it took the form of brain drain.
the strength of motivation, medical students, migration, willingness to sacrifice, readiness to start, persistence, social status.
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