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Traficul de fiinte umane - activitate criminala globala (2)

Traficul de fiinte umane - activitate criminala globala


Mihaela Meresi


Lumen, 2007

Cod CED: 1584-5397-17(2)
Dimensiuni pp: 38-52, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 17/2007


The Globalization process has reached a wide range of domains in society, including the deviance and criminality (Miftode, 2002, p.125). All the states in Europe and Eurasia contain political - criminal elements. In the case of nations having such powerful elements and with the help of political partners, the corruption invades the judicial and local- administrative institutions, creating a protected criminal system. Every day, the citizens are deprived of justice, undermining public trust with regard to the law and to the democratic government. The process of democratization can be stalled, or even reversed, if the links between politics, business, crime and corruption become dominant. In the worst case, the state can fail and be destroyed. Whilst trafficking of any form drugs, illegal weapons, human beings or human organs has a deep impact over the social and economical safety, the emergence of a complex entity, with both state and criminal connections, has the ability to undermine the legitimacy and the stability of a state - whether democratic or dictatorial. 


European Union, globalisation, organised crime, trafficking in human beings, corruption.