Evaluation of the need for development of social enterprises. Case study in the Arges County
Dr. Daniela Pirvu
Dr. Emilia Ungureanu
Dr. Alina Hagiu
Lumen, 1970
Dimensiuni:pp. 51-65
How to cite this article:Pirvu, D., Ungureanu, E., Hagiu, A. (2009). Evaluation of the need for development of social enterprises. Case study in the Arges County. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 27, 51-65. |
Social economy enterprises are characterized by a strong involvement of their members in the company management and by the absence of the fundamental purpose of traditional economic organizations: the remuneration of shareholders capital. Due to their specific way of doing business that associates economic performance, democratic functioning and solidarity amongst their members, these organizations contribute to the application of important community objectives, especially in the employment, social cohesion, regional and rural development, environmental protection and social security areas.
Social economy; social enterprise; nongovernmental organization; protected unit; vulnerable persons;
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