Appreciative Inquiry and Organisational Change. Applications in Medical Services
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 122-131
How to cite this article:Cojocaru, D.(2012). Appreciative Inquiry and Organisational Change. Applications in Medical ServicesRevista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala ,38, 122-131. |
This paper starts with K. Gergen’s ideas on the nature of theoretical knowledge and its role in social transformation and presents a methodology for generating knowledge and change in organizations, called appreciative inquiry developed by Cooperrider and Srivatsva. This methodology assumes the hypothesis that any organization is an arbitrary social construction, whose boundaries are drawn only by human imagination and collective will. There are presented the principles by
which the appreciative inquiry is conducted in organisations and the discussions about the specific of knowledge produced in the context of organizational transformation. Gervase Bushe, one of the theorists of appreciative inquiry, considers it an organizational theory and a tool of social change, one of the most significant innovations in action research. At the end, the paper (article) explores applications of AI in the specific context of medical organisations and services.
appreciative inquiry; social change; organization development; social constructionism; action research.
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