Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 36/2012/Martie

Filtru titlu     Arată # 
Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 Development and validation of a Chinese family strengths measure for family services intervention in Hong Kong 13861
2 The role of language in constructing social realities. The Appreciative Inquiry and the reconstruction of organisational ideology 14566
3 Compliance with age limits for the sales of alcoholic beverages in Romania. Designing and evaluating a three year campaign 17666
4 Success local policies in preventing and reducing the alcohol consumption among youngters 14317
5 Transformational leadership in the public sector. A pilot study using MLQ to evaluate leadership style in Cluj county local authorities 14828
6 An empirical investigation of the students´ academic behaviour using a group matrix methodology 13318
7 The potential of the school for the future. Analysis of the Romanian school and institutional development strategies 13590
8 Religious in my own way: students’ religious relativism and self-actualizing values 13997
9 The role of religious beliefs and spirituality on the quality of life of rare diseases patients 13431
10 The role of religion in several Roma communities 14505
11 The food safety perception in Turkey: gender variation 14215
12 Difficulties and opportunities of the spiritual dimension in globalisation 13711
13 Going counter to the facts in program evaluation. Towards a counterfactual evaluation model (CEM) 13502
14 Book review: Ethics and the non-discrimination of vulnerable groups in the health system 13235