Organizational Culture of the Public Sector. A Study of Romanian Public Organizations
Adrian HUDREA, Ciprian TRIPON
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 97-113
How to cite this article:Hudrea, A., Tripon, C. (2016). Organizational Culture of the Public Sector. A Study of Romanian Public Organizations. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 53, 97-113. |
The present article is an attempt at analyzing Organizational Culture from the
point of view of two separate theoretical models – Denison and Hofstede. It
presents the results of two research studies, the former conducted on a sample of
15 public institutions, while the latter, on 6, all of them from Transylvania. The
main conclusion of the article is that, despite what expert literature theories claim,
organizational culture in the Romanian public sector is not greatly influenced by
endo- and exogenous variables (here we are referring to only three dimensions,
namely the size of the organization, the type of activity it performs, and its
demographic, economic, cultural, and ethnic environment). In other words, we do
not have specific and particular organizational cultures but a common one that
can be termed sectorial culture. Of course, our claims are limited by the number
of organizations we included in the research sample, and merely pave the way to
more comprehensive research studies.
organizational culture, sectorial culture, local public administration, public institutions, organizational identity, endogenous and exogenous organizational dimensions, theoretical anomalies.
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