Key Success Factors in the Business Model of B&B Industry in Taiwan
Wan-Ju CHIANG, Maw-Liann SHYU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 89-96
How to cite this article:Chiang, W.J., Shyu, M.L. (2016). Key Success Factors in the Business Model of B&B Industry in Taiwan. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 53, 89-96. |
With the upsurge of B&B in past years, such characteristic B&B, different
from early hotels, provide accommodation services and various services according
to the resources and characteristics. The combination of accommodation, food &
drink, and tourism has B&B become a different recreation industry. Finding out
the resources and combining the special capabilities for further reinforcement and
application to become the competitive advantage become the primary issues for
B&B operators. Aiming at B&B industry in Taiwan, B&B customers in Kenting
areas are sampled for the questionnaire survey. Total 300 copies of questionnaire
are distributed, and 226 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 75%.
The experimental analyses conclude that Service, with the weight 0.324 and the
total weight 32.4%, is mostly emphasized among evaluation dimensions in Hierarchy
2, followed by Environment & Landscape (weight 0.283), Facilities
(weight 0.215), and Management (weight 0.178). Accordingly, services are the
most emphasis in the business model of B&B industry in Taiwan. By organizing
the total weight of 16 evaluation indicators of key success factors in the business
model of B&B industry in Taiwan, the top 5 emphasized indicators contain
recreation resources, environment & landscape, cultural interpretation, decoration
& landscaping, and medical treatment.
B&B industry, business model, key success factor, tourism, leisure, satisfaction, planning.
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