Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Psycho-emotional Comfort of the Patient: Condition of Therapeutic Success in Outpatient Dento-Alveolar Surgery

Psycho-emotional Comfort of the Patient: Condition of Therapeutic Success in Outpatient Dento-Alveolar Surgery


Carmen Gabriela STELEA, Otilia BOISTEANU, Cristina POPA

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 277-286

How to cite this article:

Stelea, C.G., Boisteanu, O. Popa, C. (2017). Psycho-emotional Comfort of the Patient: Condition of Therapeutic Success in Outpatient Dento-Alveolar Surgery. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 59, 277-286.


Emotional stress appearing after dental care is the most destructive set of feelings, thoughts and images caused by pain. It is likely that “the easiest way to obtain a negative autonomous reaction is to visit a dentist or dento-alveolar surgeon”. It does not require more than a short visit in the dentist’s waiting room to “trigger” one’s fear and anxiety. The study aims to develop a set of assessment criteria for the emotional profile of a patient who has to undergo the outpatient oral surgery. The goal of the clinical investigation of anxiety versus pain is to identify emotional reactions; it uses verbal and non-verbal methods of assessment, scales and questionnaires. Both the importance and the aim of behavioral assessment are used to provide reasonable surgery and anesthesia recommendations for the patient that would not exceed patient’s functional reserves and prevent an unforeseen medical accident.


psycho-emotional state, dental anxiety doctor-patient relationship, psycho-emotional approach, negative emotional stress, quality of life, dentoalveolar surgery.

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