Interaction between the Employees’ Psychological Capital on Job Involvement Based on Job Satisfaction in Medical Industry: Empirical Research from China
Kaijun YU, Ruiyi GONG, Yongliang ZHAO, Yuzhou LUO, Ruoyang LI
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 279-289
How to cite this article:Yu, K., Gong, R., Zhao, Y., Luo, Y., Li, R. (2018). Interaction between the Employees’ Psychological Capital on Job Involvement Based on Job Satisfaction in Medical Industry: Empirical Research from China. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 63, 279-289. |
The fi erce competition, pressure, and overwork have serious threatened
employees’ health in medical industry. The cultivation of employees’ personal
resources would generate more positive attitudes and tend to respond to the work
requirement with positive coping strategies. It becomes the keys to enhance
employees’ psychological level and promote the job satisfaction and job involvement.
Employees in medical industry are studied, and questionnaire is applied to collect
data. The research results conclude that 1.psychological capital shows notably
positive eff ects on job satisfaction, 2.job satisfaction reveals remarkably positive
eff ects on job involvement, and 3.psychological capital appears signifi cantly
positive eff ects on job involvement. According to the results, suggestions are
proposed, expecting to benefi t domestic medical industry enhancing employees’
positive psychological capital, job satisfaction, and job involvement.
psychological capital, job satisfaction, job involvement, medical industry.
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