The Influence of Sustainable Talent Management on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Moderating Role of In-service Training
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 96-121
How to cite this article:Alparslan, A., Saner, T. (2020). The Influence of Sustainable Talent Management on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Moderating Role of In-service Training. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 69, 96-121. DOI: 10.33788/rcis.69.6 |
The challenges facing today’s organization in the current dynamic and competitive business environment requires the management of its talented employees that will contributes to their achievement of competitive advantage that is sustainable. Studies abound on the contribution of talent management to employee’s job satisfaction and their commitment to organizational commitment, but there is paucity of empirical studies on the sustainability of talent management to the achievement of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Thus, this study investigates the influence of sustainable talent management on the employee job satisfaction and their commitment to the organization. Five hundred and seventy five structured questionnaires were distributed to the employees of some selected manufacturing companies in Turkey for data collection. PLS-SEM and multi-group analysis were employed using SmartPLS 3 for testing the hypotheses formulated in this study. The finding from our study reveals that talent management has the potential of positively and significantly influences employee’s job satisfaction. Similarly, the influence of talent management on organizational commitment was found to be positive and significant. Moreover, the moderating influence of in-service training was examined on the relationship between talent management and job satisfaction on one hand, and talent management and organizational commitment on the other hand. Our result shows that in-service training significantly moderates the relationships. Finally, the study implication and suggestion for further study were addressed in the study.
organization, sustainable talent management, in-service training, job satisfaction, competitive advantage, organizational commitment, talent management, PLS-SEM, Turkey.
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