Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 74/2021/Septembrie



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# Titre de l'article Clics
1 Study on the Correlations among Environmental Protective Factor of Resilience, Social Exclusion, and Hope of Disadvantaged Youths 4148
2 School Dropout Determinants in Rural Communities: The Effect of Poverty and Family Characteristics 4437
3 Effects of Blockchain Law Course Integrated Multimedia Dynamic Teaching on Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness 4091
4 The Role of Agents of Political Socialization in the Use of Social Media 4943
5 COVID 19: Compliance, Deviances, Social Control and Contagion Risks during the Lockdown. The Results of a Research in Two EU Countries (Italy and Romania) 4211
6 Toxin Handlers and Burnout Among Human Resource Managers: Does Emotion-Focused Coping Make a Difference? 4482
7 Effects of Anti-Corruption Governance Strategy on Organizational Trust and Job Satisfaction in Ministry of National Defense 4189
8 Types of Older Adults ICT Users and the Grey Divide: Attitudes Matter 4781
9 A Study on Critical Factors in the Service Innovation of Local Medical Care for Senior Citizens 4411
10 Medical and Social Assistance for the Transgender Community: Difficulties and Particularities in Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Assistance 4399