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Evaluarea apreciativa - forma a evaluarii formative [Appreciative evaluation - a form of formative evaluation] (4)

Evaluarea apreciativa - forma a evaluarii formative [Appreciative evaluation - a form of formative evaluation]


Stefan Cojocaru


Lumen, 2008

Cod 1584-5397-20-4
Dimensiuni pp. 42-48

How to cite this article:

Cojocaru, S. (2008). Appreciative evaluation - a form of formative evaluation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 20, 42-48.


This article offers a brief overview of appreciative evaluation based on appreciative inquiry. We presented the forms of program evaluation and arguments for considering the appreciative evaluation like a formative one. The power of

appreciative approach to influence the think and the acts of staff that implement the program are using for improve the implementation and the program’s results.


Appreciative evaluation, appreciative inquiry, formative evaluation, summative evaluation, appreciative interview, program evaluation.


PhD Stefan Cojocaru is Senior Lecturer at University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iasi, Romania and site director of Holt Romania Foundation. He has experience in child protection and program evaluation, research methodology, in doing organisational development and training for parctitioners in social work. Has written the books: Appreciative methods in social work. Inquiry, supervision and case management (2005, Polirom, Iasi), The project of intervention in social work. From the grant proposal to individualized intervention plans (2006, Polirom, Iasi) and with Daniela Cojocaru, The case management in child protection. Evalution the services and practices in Romania (2008, Polirom, Iasi). Email: stefan.cojocaru[at]comunitate.ro


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