Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Fenomenului migratiei ilegale si specificul lui in Romania [The illegal migration phenomenon and his specificity for Romania] (4)

Fenomenului migratiei ilegale si specificul lui in Romania [The illegal migration phenomenon and his specificity for Romania]


Marius Iulian PREDESCU


Lumen, 2008

Cod CED: 1584-5397-23-4
Dimensiuni pp. 51-62

How to cite this article:

Predescu, M.I. (2008). The illegal migration phenomenon and his specificity for Romania.  Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 23, 51-62.


Romania is now a frequent aim of the emigration plan, becoming itself a real turn-table for this phenomenon, a condition witch depends of many internal and external factors.
The traffic of human beings is more and more getting a phenomenon of international features.


Origin (native) Land, transit land, destination Land, trafficker, victimized people.

Download: Fenomenului migratiei ilegale si specificul lui in Romania [The illegal migration phenomenon and his specificity for Romania]