Perspective internationale in asistenta sociala [International perspectives in social work]
Doru Buzducea
Lumen, 2008
Cod CED: 1584-5397-23-3
Dimensiuni pp. 37-50
How to cite this article:Buzducea, D. (2008). International perspectives in social work. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 23, 37-50. |
The modern social work systems created at the end of the last century are now facing post-modern challenges -- on one hand the global social trends, and on the other hand the local practices. Structurally, all social work systems have commonalities, but they differ, sometimes fundamentally, in their degree of development. While the social work systems in the West Europe and North America have achieved remarkable results, the social work systems in Asia and Africa are fighting the burden of poverty, malnutrition, infant mortality, HIV/AIDS or other infectious diseases, limited access to running water, starvation, illiteracy, etc.
Social work systems, globalization, international social work, socio-cultural specificity
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