Biological parenthood in foster caring
Daniela Cojocaru
Lumen, 2009
Dimensiuni:pp. 45-61
How to cite this article:Cojocaru, D. (2009). Biological parenthood in foster caring. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 25, 45-61. |
Foster care is a social work service provided to children in difficulty that are entrusted, for a limited period of time, to substitute families that are employed to provide care to these children in their own homes. This practice was brought and promoted in Romania by child welfare non-governmental organizations (1993-1994), and the foster parent profession was officially acknowledged in 2003, when a series of laws regulating the foster parenting exercise requirements were passed; they also regulated the licensing requirements, the licensing procedures, the job description of a professional foster parent, the vocational training curriculum and the minimum compulsory child protection standards applying to children in substitute family care. This article explores the features of the relation between children in foster care families and their biological parents and the aspects of deprivatization of domestic life in foster care families.
Parenthood, childhood, foster care, deprivatization, professional parenthood.
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