Absorption capacity of the structural funds. Integrating perspectives
Dr. Corina CACE
Dr. Sorin CACE
Cristina IOVA
Lumen, 2009
Cod: 1584-5397-27-1
Dimensiuni: pp. 7-28
How to cite this article:Cace, C., Cace, S., Iova, C., Nicolaescu, V. (2009). Absorption capacity of the structural funds. Integrating perspectives. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 27, 7-28. |
Structural funds absorption by the member states can be seen within a wider context of the absorption capacity as it is described and analyzed both worldwide and in Europe. This study reveals the different approaches of the absorption capacity by presenting the architecture of funds administration from the perspective of the international aid and from the perspective of the European policy of convergence. Within the context in which most European Union member states experienced difficulties in EU structural funds absorption during their early years after accession, the paper shows the essential operational coordinates of the capacity of absorption, the hierarchical levels of operation (European and national), as well as the factors and mechanisms for the specific implementation of the funds that have been granted. The identified elements were integrated and the EU model of structural funds implementation was generated, showing a diversified pattern of action within the administrative systems of the member states. The perspectives of the structural funds absorption capacity focus on two fundamental aspects of the convergence policy: to identify the modalities by which the allotted funds are absorbed to the long-term general interest of the Europeans and to avoid associating them within to constraining vision of absorption specific to the international aid. The conclusions of the paper discuss the future research approaches into the stage of structural funds absorption by the new EU member states and into the possible existence of a saturation point in the absorption of these funds, phenomenon already observed in other states benefiting of international aid.
Absorption capacity; European Union; structural funds; European model; community funds administration;
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