Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 86/2024/septembrie



Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 The Values in Multicultural Contexts as a Tool for Understanding Multilevel Development 268
2 Analysing Organised Crime in the Context of the Western Balkans Region, with a Research Perspective on the Territory of Albania 292
3 The Intervention and Impact of Digital Society on the Governance of Dual Equity Structure in Enterprises 244
4 Bullying and Cyberbullying in School: An Exploratory Study on Students Aged 9 to 14 in Rome 237
5 The Aggressiveness of Institutionalized Minors Depending on the Type of Residence 241
6 Interventional Analysis of Music Therapy on Emotional Behavior in Children with Autism 247
7 Comparative Study and Analysis of Social Structure and Cultural Values in Chinese and Korean Movies 220
8 The Social Intervention Function of Chinese Pop Music Performance and Its Macro Sociological Analysis 236
9 Exploring John Searle’s Analysis of Intentional Satisfaction: Sociological Implications for the Concept of Intentionality 229
10 Gender and Green Packaging among University Student in Developing Country 276
11 The Dual Role of the Publishing Industry in Inheriting Chinese History and Culture and Promoting Social Intervention 242
12 Effects of Core Competitiveness on Strategic Alliance and Alliance Performance in Medical Device Industry 229
13 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Aesthetic Procedures 242