Management of Neuropsychomotor and Economic Cost of Social Insertion of Children with Congenital Heart Malformations
Alina-Costina LUCA, Andreea Simona HOLOC, Ioana MIHALACHE,
Florin-Alexandru LUCA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 379-388
How to cite this article:Luca, A.C., Holoc, A.S., Mihalache, I., Luca, F.A. (2018). Management of Neuropsychomotor and Economic Cost of Social Insertion of Children with Congenital Heart Malformations. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 63, 379-388. |
Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) are a heterogeneous group of diseases present
at birth, characterized by a structural heart defect. In Europe, their prevalence is of
8/1000 births. This study aims to review literature as to integrate neuropsychomotor,
economic and psychological aspects in children with CHD. Therefore, the article
presents the etiological factors of cardiac pathology, as well as the operative and
post-operative etiological factors that may infl uence the neuropsychomotor and
psychological development of a child with congenital heart defects, and fi nancial
costs involved for treatment and prevention.
congenital heart malformations, child, psychosocial, economic implications.
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