Socio-Epidemiological Points of View Regarding Quality Of Life in Patients With and Without Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy for Cancer
Andrei LAZAR, Alina MANOLE, Nicolae GHETU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 92-104
How to cite this article:Gardikiotis, I., Azoicai, D., Dobreanu, C., Petrescu, I., Lazar, A., Manole, A., Ghetu, N. (2016). Socio-Epidemiological Points of View Regarding Quality Of Life in Patients With and Without Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy for Cancer. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 52, 92-104. |
The purpose of the study is to compare the quality of life (QoL) of mastectomised
patients for cancer, who subsequently chose or not breast reconstruction, using
the Short Form - 36 (SF-36) Health Survey. The study was carried out during
October 2014 - May 2015, on two groups: 23 patients with breast reconstruction,
assisted at the University Hospital of Bucharest, compared with 27 patients
without reconstruction, assisted in surgical sections of hospitals from the Northern-
East area of Romania. The average age of the reconstructed patients was
57.07, compared to 43.91 for those without reconstruction. We referred to the
scales related on social, mental and emotional functionality of patients, comparing the two studied groups. The correlations calculated for the scores achieved from
patients at the discussed items showed a strong connection between the answers
on the question if they performed less activities than having intended and the
decrease of the time period of working or performing other activities due to
emotional problems, both for the group of women without reconstruction (r .768),
as well as for the breast reconstructed group (r .740). The scores indicating QoL
were higher for the scales related to the social functionality and mental health, for
the patients with reconstruction, compared to those achieved by the patients
without breast reconstruction. Studies on larger groups would be useful for emphasizing
the differences between the QoL of women living the same reality, the
mastectomy for breast cancer and who chose breast reconstruction, compared to
those who did not.
quality of life, breast reconstruction, breast cancer, mastectomy, SF-36.
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