Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 55/2016/Decembrie


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# Article Title Hits
1 Family Impact of Care and Respite Service: Life Experiences of Mothers of Adult Children with Intellectual Disability and Mental Disorders 12045
2 A Study on the Cognitive Level of Health Education for Secondary School Students from the Rural Environment 11802
3 Quality of Life after using of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) in Patients with Alveoloplastic Extraction 11318
4 Audiological Clinical Validation of New Original Romanian Speech Audiometry Materials for Evaluation of Communication Abilities in Children of Primary School Age 11918
5 Comparisons of Emotional and Behavioral Problems Reported by Parents and Teachers in Three Ethnic Groups Living in Romania: A Pilot Study 11457
6 ‘Many’, ‘Half’ or ‘One out of Two’? Assessing the Effectiveness of Counter-Biasing Techniques in Reducing Self-Reported Turnout 11287
7 Experimental Research of Economics MA Students’ Perception on the Theoretical Framework of Professional Judgment in Accounting in Connection with Individual Personality Traits 11246
8 Big Questions on Big Data 12926
9 Assessment of Awareness Regarding Osteoporosis Prevention in a Group of Pre-Menopause Women 11808
10 Groups and Needs: Response of the Social Protection System in Nowadays Romania 11612
11 Charismatic Leadership Behavior and Leadership Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Subordinates’ Emotional Intelligence and the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment 13021
12 How Doctor-Patient Mutual Trust Is Built in the Context of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Qualitative Study 11637
13 Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Rural Community from North Romania Region 11399
14 Czech Lower Secondary School Pupils’ Knowledge about Developing Countries 11429
15 Effects of Expatriates’ Cultural Intelligence on Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Job Performance 12085
16 Beneficence and Behavior Control: Ethical Dilemmas in Gastroenterology 11899
17 Patient’s rights and communication in the hospital accreditation process 11638