Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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The Relative Influence of Total Reward on Retention of Human Resources

The Relative Influence of Total Reward on Retention of Human Resources


Elena-Sabina TURNEA, Adriana PRODAN

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 79-95

How to cite this article:

Turnea, E.S., Prodan, A. (2020). The Relative Influence of Total Reward on Retention of Human Resources. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 69, 79-95. DOI: 10.33788/rcis.69.5


After reviewing the literature on the concept of total reward and human resource behaviour desired by organisations, this study suggests a model of total reward for retaining human resources in organisations grounded on the WorldatWork model of the research group at A&M Texas University (Boswell et al., 2011). Study participants were the employees, master and doctoral students from Iasi, Romania. The study was conducted to find out the preferred organisational rewards among respondents in employment interviews (for attraction into organisations), and after employment (for retention into organisations). Also, the questions included in the questionnaire referred only to rewards practised in Romania, which are in compliance with the legislation on force. The designed questionnaire was pre-tested twice: in April and December of 2014 (Hodor, 2015), and was significantly modified. The study results show the fact that the variables that compose total reward – compensation (C), granted benefits (B), personal and professional life balance (WLB), performance and recognition (P & R), career opportunities and development (O & D) – become important after the moment of employment. Also, the study reveals that work-life-balance has the highest importance in human resources’ retention. Additionally, the presence of such rewards as remuneration, benefits, performance and recognition influences the decision to remain in the organization. In this paper are also presented other synthetic results of the entire study completed in 2017.


remuneration, benefits, work-life balance, performance and recognition, development and career opportunities, attraction, retention.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.69.5

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