Recovery of Women Well-Being in Migration: Example of Ukraine
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 115-126
How to cite this article:Shelemei, O., Volodarska, N. (2021). Recovery of Women Well-Being in Migration: Example of Ukraine. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 75, 115-126, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.75.7 |
The present study is focused on women well-being in migration. The aim was to investigate well-being of Ukrainian women migrants and to present the results of psychological work aimed at correcting the shortcomings of the emotional, social and behavioral aspects of the personality of women migrants with the help of special means of psychological influence. At the first stage an empirical study was conducted in Northern Italy during 2018-2019. The empirical sample consisted of 200 Ukrainian women - labor migrants aged 31 to 79 years who worked as caregivers. The Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) was applied. The study of psychological well-being in the group of women migrant workers revealed mostly an average level (81.5%). At the same time, the study showed a low level of both emotional and social well-being (43.5% and 72%, respectively). At the second stage of the study psycho-correctional work was carried out with the labor migrant women and women displaced from Eastern Ukraine, where hostilities were taking place. 80 women were involved in the group psycho correction in Klaipeda city, Lithuania (June 2018). 120 women took part in individual counseling (on-line mode). Classes were held at the Kostyuk Institute of Psychology (Kyiv, Ukraine), once a week for 3 hours (2019-2020). The psycho-correctional work included the method of self-report, actualization of emotional states, the method of debriefing, as well as the art therapy. The use of psycho-correctional work showed positive effect on the emotional sphere of women, in particular, changes were noted in the balance of negative and positive emotions. Participants of the program improved their relationships with close people, as well as new goals and strategies to achieve them appeared.
well-being, migrant women, forced migrants, social integration, art therapy methods.
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