Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Case management in child protection. A national study: short presentation (1)

Case management in child protection. A national study: short presentation


Stefan Cojocaru


Lumen, 2007

Cod 1584-5397-18-1
Dimensiuni pp. 7-18, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 18/2007


The present report describes the findings of a national study regarding the goals of the individual protection plans (IPP) and their implementation by the General Directorates for Social Assistance and Child Protection (GDSACP) from Romania, in order to identify the problems or the changes that occured in the application of case management standards realistically and efficiently and in the development of activities in such institutions. They are viewed from the standpoint of finding the right ways to streamline the pursuit and the fulfilment of the goals incorporated in the individual protection plans (permanency planning) for the child separated from his/her family. The study was conducted between May - October 2006, as part of the Monitoring of the development and implementation of the individual protection plan (IPP) for children project, financed by USAID and implemented by the National Authority for the Protection of Child Rights and World Learning, within the ChildNet Program. 


Case management, child protection services, foster care, family reintegration, adoption, rezidential care, vocational integration.