Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Efectele stilurilor de conducere asupra organizatiei (6)

Efectele stilurilor de conducere asupra organizatiei


Petronela Livita Pracsiu


Lumen, 2007

Cod ISSN: 1584-5397-18-6
Dimensiuni pp. 65-80, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 18/2007


It is well known that, in an organization, the running of the organization at the highest parameters as well as its productivity, depends on the leaders working style in a great measure. Thus, if the leader is dynamic, sociable, adaptable (to persons and situations), self confident and confident in the force of the group he leads, etc., he will turn these qualities into a style of behaviour and will obtain the results he desires, unlike a subjective, unsociable leader who doesn t communicate and lacks confidence.


Productivity, leader, organisational behaviour, style management.