Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Asistenta sociala: structura, istorie si dezbateri recente [Social work: structure, history and recents debates] (2)

Asistenta sociala: structura, istorie si dezbateri recente [Social work: structure, history and recents debates]




Lumen, 2008

Cod 1584-5397-21-2
Dimensiuni pp. 15-33

How to cite this article:

Buzducea, D. (2008). Social work: structure, history and recents debates.  Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 21, 15-33.


This study is targeting social work students and those who want to become familiar with the social work field, a highly interesting area in recent years both Romania, but much more so internationally. With a history that goes back centuries and even millenniums, the social work became an active partner of the public policies in their fight with what was named by Lord Beveridge, at the beginning of the XXth century, the five giants: Want (today we would call it poverty), Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness (unemployment). Moreover, we can consider that the social work is adding to the social change significant contributions to the reconfiguration of the social structures in the larger context of globalization. Through its involvement in the social inclusion of at-risk groups, through the increase in the quality of life of certain socially vulnerable groups, through its anti-poverty programs, the social work contributes, with no doubt, to the social development process. 


Social work system, at-risk groups, social services, social development.

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*** Legea nr. 215/2001 a administra]iei publice locale.
*** Legea nr. 416/2001 privind venitul minim garantat.
*** Legea nr. 217/2003 pentru prevenirea si combaterea violentei în familie.
*** Legea nr. 515/2003 pentru aprobarea O.G. nr. 68/2003 privind serviciile sociale.
*** Legea nr. 272/2004 privind protectia si promovarea drepturilor copilului.
*** Legea nr. 47/2006 privind sistemul national de asistenta sociala.

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