Drepturile, protectia si asistenta victimelor traficului de persoane in cursul procesului penal - perspective juridice si psihosociale [Rights, protection and assistance of human trafficking victims, Legal and psychosocial perspectives]
Anamaria SIMON
Lumen, 2008
Cod CED: 1584-5397-22-3
Dimensiuni pp. 45-54
How to cite this article:Simon, A. (2008). Rights, protection and assistance of human trafficking victims, Legal and psychosocial perspectives. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 22, 45-54. |
Year by year, children, teenagers, women and men are trapped by organized criminal groups and forced to beg, to work in inhuman condition or exploited through sexual exploitation. Trafficking in human beings is a multiphaced phenomenon with serious consequences on victim's safety, health and fundamental rights. This problem has been manifested in regions that lack adequate legislation to prevent it. Recognized as a phenomenon of international organized crime and a gross human rights violation, the trafficking in person prevention, countering and the assistance of victims needs coordinated interinstitutional and multidisciplinary efforts of all those involved in the anti-trafficking fight. This paper presents Romania's legislative and interinstitutional efforts to counteract trafficking in human beings and to assure victims social protection and interests. In this respect, the paper discusses aspects concerning the protection and psychosocial assistance of victims in the penal process, since their identification as victims until the end of criminal proceedings. The Human Trafficking Victims Coordination Program in the Penal Process, implemented by the National Agency Against Trafficking in Person, aimed to increase victims trust in the judicial institutions and their participation in the penal process, is illustrated by a case study.
Trafficking in person, victim, human trafficking victim's rights, consequences of trauma, the victim during the penal process.
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