Community Mental Health Services - The Treatment of Anxiety and Its Effects from the Point of View of the Association of Personality Dimensions
Cosmin O. POPA, Aurel NIRESTEAN, Lucian ILE, Mihai ARDELEAN,
Theodor MOICA, Gabriela BUICU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 49-60
How to cite this article:Popa, C.O., Nirestean, A., Ile, L., Ardelean, M., Moica, T., Buicu, G. (2013). Community Mental Health Services - The Treatment of Anxiety and Its Effects from the Point of View of the Association of Personality Dimensions.Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala ,43, 49-60. |
New theories on psychological and emotional disorders reveal a bio-psychosocial causality as being determinant in the occurrence and development of such disorders. Therefore, therapeutic methods can no longer be limited to separate interventions, only through medication, psychotherapy or social support. This paper assesses the degree of association between two of the personality dimensions, Agreeability and Emotional Stability (as measured by DECAS; Sava, 2008), before and after combined therapy consisting of psychotherapy and an antidepressant (Escitalopram), within a sample of patients (N=32) suffering from generalised anxiety disorder occurring in comorbidity with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. The results obtained indicate the fact that the association of Agreeability and Emotional Stability in the pre-treatment stage is moderate (r = .43), but it becomes stronger following combined intervention (r = .53). Due to the fact that the two dimensions represent determinants with regard to human and social relationships, as well as an individual’s emotional stability, the positive change in the association contributes to the improvement of social, interpersonal and family relationships and of these patients’ emotional stability.
social benefits; generalised anxiety; agreeability; emotional stability; combined therapy.
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