Story behind the Closed Doors: Decent Work Practice among the Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore and Italy
M. Rezaul ISLAM, Stefan COJOCARU, Zulkanain Abdul RAHMAN,
Abu Bakar SITI HAJAR , Lili Yulyadi Bin ARNAKIM
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 304-325
How to cite this article:Islam, M.R., Cojocaru, S., Rahman, Z.A., Siti Hajar, A.B., Arnakim, K.Y.B. (2016). Story behind the Closed Doors: Decent Work Practice among the Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore and Italy. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 53, 304-325. |
The objective of this study was to present comparative findings of the decent
work practice (the ILO Convention 189) among the migrant domestic workers
(MDWs) in two countries e.g., Italy and Singapore. The study covered three main
aspects of these decent work practices, such as working hours and annual leave,
maternity protection, and minimum wage. The study was based on a content
analysis method. The search for relevant literature was completed in two stages.
First, we examined peer-reviewed articles found in electronic databases using
keyword searches; secondly, we used the ‘snowball’ method for searching the
journal articles and published reports. The results showed that both countries
were following the provisions of the decent work practices, but the situation in
Italy was found much better than in Singapore. Apparently, the study found a
large difference between the written provisions and the real practice in both
countries. As a result, in many cases the MDWs in both countries were facing
terrific challenges to get their expedient working conditions, proper working
hours, annual leave, maternity protection and fair wage. The finding would be
important guideline to the policy makers, human rights practitioners and academics.
Italy, Singapore, domestic workers, ILO Convention 189, decent work, human rights.
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