Appreciative Inquiry based organization development
intervention process on satisfaction and engagement of
senior patients and sustainability of Sukavet Institution: a
case study of nursing home
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 56-71
How to cite this article:Hirunwat, P. (2011). Appreciative Inquiry based organization development intervention process on satisfaction and engagement of senior patients and sustainability of Sukavet Institution: a case study of nursing home. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 33, 56-71. |
Thailand had a large family with the culture of collectivism in the past history.
Currently, the family group has changed from large family to single family. Many
elder family members are left alone and nobody takes care of them. Additionally,
the Thai health care system has not fully developed like the other developed
countries. Thailand has begun the development of elderly care system starting
from low to high income social status. Sukavet Nursing Home is the hospice for
the elderly patients. The main needs were to increase the satisfaction and engagement
of senior patients and create the sustainability of the institution. The final
results were that there was a significantly positive increase of the satisfaction and
engagement of senior patients/family members and there was a positively increased
sustainable business development of the institution.
Appreciative Inquiry; Organization Development Intervention (ODI); Senior Patient; Satisfaction; Engagement; Nursing Home Sustainability.
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