Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 52/2016/Martie



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Nr. Titlu articol Afişări
1 Early Childcare, Maternal Education and Family Origins: Differences in Cognitive and Linguistic Outcomes throughout Childhood 13168
2 P.I.P.P.I. Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization. Capturing the Evidence of an Innovative Programme of Family Support 13249
3 Situational Analysis of Parental Socialization In Adolescence 13012
4 Resilience of Children Behind Bars 12687
5 Social and Medical Implications of Teenage Motherhood 13628
6 Socio-Epidemiological Points of View Regarding Quality Of Life in Patients With and Without Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy for Cancer 12555
7 Effects of the “One-Child” Policy and the Number of Children in Families on the Mental Health of Children in China 14956
8 Solidarity with the Elderly in Romania 12740
9 An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between the Competency and Social Capital of Village Cadres and Rural Development in Western China 11912
10 Statistical Research Regarding the Usefulness of Accessing Legal Information QR Coded 12779
11 Socio-professional Integration for Amblyopic Patients 12421
12 Motivation for Participating to Sports Competitions in School 12685
13 The Impact of Patterns Provided by the Media on Society 13182
14 The Social Role of the Supreme Audit Institutions to Reduce Corruption in the European Union - Empirical Study 12582
15 Deaf Athlete: Is There Any Difference Beyond The Hearing Loss? 12840
16 Post-Graduate Students’ Perceptions Regarding Effectiveness of Mentoring Relationship at Universities 15071
17 Psychosocial Particularities of Violent Acts in Personality Disorders 12486
18 Psychological Coping and Social Aspects in the Case of the Elderly with Metabolic Syndrome 12822
19 Geographical Axis Theory. Role and Function in Building Territorial Social Realities 12313
20 Participatory Evaluation and Community Development: A Spanish Case Study 12549