Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Statistical Analysis and Simulation of Orthostatic Position by Means of the Pedometer in Patients with Hyperkyphosis

Statistical Analysis and Simulation of Orthostatic Position by Means of the Pedometer in Patients with Hyperkyphosis


Mariana ROTARIU, Marius TURNEA, Mihai ILEA, Dragos AROTARITEI, Andrei Catalin IONITE, Andrei GHEORGHITA

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 209-221

How to cite this article:

Rotariu, M., Turnea, M., Ilea, M., Arotaritei, D., Ionite, A.C., Gheorghita, A. (2017). Statistical Analysis and Simulation of Orthostatic Position by Means of the Pedometer in Patients with Hyperkyphosis. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 59, 209-221.


The essential element of the “modern” man is a long time spent in the office, in front of the computer or on the phone. Such a posture leads to substantial modifications to the center of gravity, which leads to the set in of hyperkyphosis. The statistical analysis and simulation of such a symptomatology can help both the doctor and the medical recovery specialists in the early prevention of the body posture, since the primary symptomatology of the hyperkyphosis cannot be detected following a primary consultation, being usually mistaken for a kyphotic attitude. The statistical study described above offers a new, non-invasive approach in the early detection of kyphotic conditions, but also a useful tool in the evaluation of the spine’s deformation degree.


hyperkyphosis, posture test, modeling and simulation, distribution of average deviations, social impact.

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