Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 66/2019/Septembrie



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# Article Title Hits
1 Awareness of Same-Sex Relationships between Children in Romanian Long-Term Residential Centers 5680
2 Comprehensive Application Ability of College Students' Knowledge Structure and Skills under the Immersion Bilingual Teaching Mode 5701
3 Understanding EFL Learners’ Learning Motivational Regulation Strategies: An Exploratory Evidence from Students in a Chinese-foreign Cooperative Project 5693
4 A Comparative Study of the Effect of Bilingual Subtitles and English Subtitles on College English Teaching 5879
5 The Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice on the Relationship between Integrity and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Educational Institutions 5729
6 Toxic Leadership and Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction 6687
7 The Effect of the Application of Multimedia on Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurial Competitiveness 5538
8 Entrepreneurial Behaviors in the Hospitality Industry: Human Resources Management Practices and Leader Member Exchange Role 5798
9 Interaction between the Sustainable Innovation Capability on Patent Based On Entrepreneurial Culture: Empirical Research from China 5307
10 The Difference between Financial Support and International Capacity Cooperation under the “Belt and Road Initiative” 5511
11 Linguistic Ethnographic Investigation of Face Negotiations in Interaction 5894
12 After the Citizenization: Can Household Registration Change Eliminate the Consumption Gap? 5789
13 Romanian Rezist Protest. How Facebook Helps Fight Political Corruption 6127
14 Russia's “WeChat Diplomacy” to China from the Perspective of New Media-Taking the official WeChat of the Russian Embassy in China as an Example 5482
15 Multi-Group Symbiotic Evolution Mechanism in an Innovative Ecosystem: Evidence from China 5761
16 Measuring Green Brand Equity in Relationship Interactions and its Impact on Brand Loyalty 5315
17 Inaccuracy and Overconfidence in Metacognitive Monitoring of University Students 5774
18 Application of an Observation System in the Practice of Psychomotor Circuits in Early Education 5387
19 Effects of Different Stretching Strategies on Soccer Players’ Power, Speed, and Muscle Strength Performance 5459
20 Curriculum Changes in Secondary School Physical Education and Sport Subject in the Romanian Education System 5573
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