Animal Experimental Studies: Controversies, Alternatives and Perspectives
Roxana FOLESCU, Egidia MIFTODE, Carmen Lacramioara ZAMFIR
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 266-273
How to cite this article:Folescu, R., Miftode, E., Zamfir, C.L. (2013). Animal Experimental Studies: Controversies, Alternatives and Perspectives.Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala ,43, 266-273. |
There is long evidence about the multiple implications of animal experimental studies- an open and complicated problem, a source of controversies and debates. In our days, the pronounced change in the attitude of the scientific community regarding the animal-based research is the result of the continuous public concern; the most appropriate reaction of the researchers was to identify techniques to replace the animal-based research with alternatives of similar scientific value, but without involving animals. The defenders of the animal experimentation sustain that we can never completely eliminate animal experimentation, as long as the human benefits are too important; the opponents of animal research promote the animal rights, sustain the irrelevance of animal models for scientific research and demand for the introducing of the non animal studies. Discerning between these options means to take into account an alternative, reducing the social impact of animal experimentation. Nowadays, an ever-increasing number of specialists argue and sustain a new strategy, based on alternative methods which replace the laboratory animals with modern competitive exploratory techniques. This option may be the source of consensus, responsibility and respect for life..
animal-based research; public concern; benefits; alternative; consensus.
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